Thursday, February 16, 2017

Waterfall Of The Sea (Story of Dots)

   The sound of the waves swam in the Captain's ears, causing her to wake. Her eyes slowly opened and the pain in her body hit her as she regained consciousness. The Captain groaned as she shifted herself in the sand. The small loose grains trickled off her clothes.
   Turning her body, she fell back on the ground with a thud. The captain blinked and her vision soon cleared. The night sky as beautiful... How the orange and blues would collide into one another as the white stars speckled against its colors. What happened, questioned the Captain as she stared out into what seems to be a nearby planet.
   It was unsettling... Never did it stop to amaze her how different things were back on Earth. What used to be so complex seemed far too simple compared to the entire galaxies she's traveled to. The Captain closed her eyes, breathing in the unnatural air. Something echoed in the back of her mind like a bell or a voi-
   "..-tain.. Lynn!"
   Her eyes snapped open and she saw her first mate standing next to her, his hands were on the wheel of the ship.
   "Are you alright, Lynn?" he asked. The hint of concern in his voice made the captain smile.
   "Yeah.." she replied softly, "I'm alright, Davis... I just... spaced out for a second."
   Davis then made a noise as if he was holding in a laugh. The Captain looked at him with a confused expression for only moment when the realization hit her. "Oh my g-.. That wasn't a pun!" she blurted out in irritation, which made Davis finally lose control.
   "I'm sorry!" he managed to say in between breaths, "Your choice of words was just too perfect..!"
   Lynn already had her fists clenched, ready to knock some sense into first mate. Eventually, Davis calmed down and he straightened up, looking out onto the sea of glittering stars.
   "How far until our next destination?" asked the Captain in a huff. 
   Davis then punched some keys into a holographic screen next to him. "About..." he paused, taking a glance at Lynn, "5,657 miles left until we reach Xynon."
   "Hm... That doesn't seem too bad." replied the Captain. After all, they've traveled farther before. Lynn glanced at her first mate and stared at him. It's been 14 years now since they first left Earth behind. Two scared kids, unsure of what laid ahead of them, now stood on their own vessel at the prime age of 25. Their ship was a decent sized one, accommodated with enough cabins for their small crew. The only thing would've killed their parents was that Lynn and Davis were.. well.. Pirates.

   Good thing they died back on Earth, though Lynn. The Captain shook her head, hoping to clear her mind of those thoughts. Suddenly, a loud crash was heard below deck and the ship's alarms blared through the speakers just moments after. The Captain snapped her head towards her crew, who were already scrambling towards their stations. One of them shouted at Lynn, grabbing her attention as he pointed at the large vessel that stood in their path.
   "The G.N.C..." mumbled Davis. The Captain nodded, already thinking the same thing. The Galactic Naval Corps. The military of the Stardust. Not the people you'd want to run into when you're renegades of the law. Another crash, the ship was taking damage. The enemy vessel wasn't one for mercy.
   "Load the cannons!" commanded the Captain. Looks like we're not getting out of here without a fight.
   "Cannons are loaded, Captain!" yelled the Master Gunner.
   A blast exploded from the cannons and the balls of metal flew across the air towards the G.N.C ship. The Captain clenched her fists as the gunners were already loading next shot. Contact. Large bursts of flames emerged from the enemy vessel showing that the target was met. The Captain raised her hand to signal the next shot.
   Immediately after, a return fire was made by the G.N.C. ship, hitting the ship's engine. The ship was thrown forwards, making Lynn and the rest of her crew stumble out of place. Another explosion, the ship's thrusters blew up and a crack in the wooden frame formed. Soon, they were falling or in this case being pulled downwards.
   A gravitational pull from the planet they were passing over. The ship was crashing, fast as it entered the exosphere. Another crack and the ship split open from the sudden increase of pressure. The Captain held onto the frame but her body was forced to be still. She squinted and saw her crew in the same position. Davis was hanging onto the mast of the ship. Lynn tried to reach out her hand to him but the power of the fast falling ship kept her arm in place.
   Davis! She tried to call out but her mouth forced shut. Another crack and part of the ship collapsed, taking a few of her crew with it. Tristan.. Michael.. Renae... All three of them, gone. The Captain felt the need to cry but nothing. She couldn't. One by one, she saw her crew get taken away until it was only her and Davis.
   His arms were shaking and not from the pressure. Davis was nearing his limit. He can't hang on any longer. Lynn saw this in his eyes. She shook her head and cried out to him in her mind. Don't leave me too, she begged with her eyes. Lynn forced her arm to raise and a sudden snap wanted to make wail out. The immense pressure broke her arm.



   Her eyes snapped open and the sound of the waves swam in her ears. Her vision staring right up at the orange and blue sky.

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