Thursday, February 16, 2017

James Montanari

   James was walking through the rain, umbrella in hand. He smiled brightly as he swung his legs, casually kicking the small puddles. Looking around, he sees that the city was still busy as ever despite the shower. The cars drove down the road past him and other pedestrians would talk in low mumbles as he walked by.
   Hope you like it right now Samantha, he thinks to himself. I know this is your favorite type of day.
   James clenched his hand in his pocket and his eyes traveled down to his feet. The sounds started to fill his ears as he dwelled in his thoughts. Sounds of the boombox nearby, a dog barking, laughter and chatter coming from inside a cafe. He remembered how much he hated the rain as a kid. James disliked the feeling of wet clothes sticking to his body. His Mom always made him stay inside the house during those times.

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