Thursday, February 16, 2017

Knock Three Times (On the ceiling, if you want me~)

Knock, knock...

   There it goes again.. And here I thought it was gonna be a relaxing day for me. My entire body is burning up and the congestion wasn't helping either.

Knock, knock...

I glance over at the pile of tissues that overflowed the trash can in the corner. I'm glad I'm not that bad of a shot.

Knock, knock...

I can't even move. I don't think I want to. I hear the rain trickling outside yet the bright ray of sunshine lit up my room. Someone must be marrying a tikbalang...

Knock, knock...

 Seriously, go away. There is obviously no one at home. I curl up in a ball and tried to muffle the sound using the pillow to cover my ears.

Knock, knock...

 This is getting ridiculous.. I'm gonna try to sleep.

Ring, ring...

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