Sunday, January 22, 2017


  Laughter between with friends around the safari campfire. Our voices ring through the open night air. How silly, the jokes we shared around the blazing heat as we ate our freshly made s'mores. I hear my dog whimper, telling me he needs to go to the bathroom. He doesn't have to ask permission from me, I thought to myself. As I get up, I fiddled with the 25 cent mood ring that adorned my finger. I start thinking to earlier.. That was my first kiss. Gosh, the awkward smiles after it made me blush yet the color the mood ring was blue. Sad? Why? Is it because it's 25 cents or is this mood truly for me? If that's the case then I'm a sad sort of a bastard, I guess. At first, this just made more blue but I realized why should I let this 25 cents ring change how I actually feel. I return back to my friends, how I love them and their sparkling laughs. After 5 years, the only way I can way I can hear their laughs is if I give them a call. Ring... Ring..